Harald Bluetooth Guild can look back with great satisfaction on this summer’s exchange project between Slagelse municipality and Waterford municipality in Ireland.

The exchange project has been a long time in the making, but in the spring the Guild succeeded in initiating a 5-year cooperation agreement with the great help of the Irish embassy in Copenhagen and the Danish embassy in Dublin.

In addition to Harald Bluetooth Guild, Slagelse Gymnasium, Slagelse-Antvorskov Rotary and Waterford Rotary have been involved in the process. The two latter Rotary clubs have been responsible for accommodation of the young high school students, while the program was organized by Trelleborg Museum and Harald Bluetooth Guild.

The lucky high school students who got the opportunity to learn about the respective countries’ culture and Viking relations were Alexander Noort Hansen from Slagelse and Ben Aziri from Waterford.

The 18-year-old high school student Alexander Noort Hansen talks with great enthusiasm about his many experiences during his stay in Waterford. It is clear how much the great hospitality and attention from the local hosts has meant during Alexander’s stay. I was introduced to places and official persons that I would never have had the opportunity to experience as an ordinary tourist, e.g. I met the mayor, says Alexander. Ireland’s ambassador, Elizabet McCullough, has expressed thanks on social media for the cooperation with Slagelse Municipality and Harald Bluetooth Guild, and all parties look forward to the exchange of young people from Waterford and Slagelse Municipality in the coming years.

Photo: Ben Aziri in the middle with the Alderman, Finn Berggren and Museums director Anne Kristine Larsen in front of the Danish Parliament.

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Tags: , Last modified: 21. September 2023